Saturday, February 20, 2010

Workshop for Foundations

On Friday February 19, 2010 at 1:30 Felecia, Nikki and I planned 3D workshop.
We had 9 different activities. We decided to let our class mates try out six different activities and then we presented the other three.

The six different activities that we placed on the tables for our peers to try were:
1) Popcorn Collage
2) Playdough
3) Sugar Cube Sculptures
4) Aluminum Foil Designs
5) Recyclable Collages
6) Jelly Ston Dough

When I was walking around the room looking at all the different things that my peers were making i found that everyone was making some very cool things.

The Pineapple Happy Face that Laura made for me during the workshop. The Pineapple is made out of Playdough and Jelly Stone Dough.

The three examples that we presented to the class were:
1)Eggshell Collage
2)String Paint Collage
3)Melted Crayon Art Project

Felecia showed the class what you would do with the eggshells and how to make a design. She said that when you do with preschoolers you would have then glue the eggshells to the paper and when they dry you could have the children paint the eggshells different colours.

For the String Paint Collage I explained to the class what you would do with this activity. I said you would have three colours of paint and you would dip the string in the paint and then make a design on the paper with the string, but you would leave the string on the paper and then the string would dry on the paper.

Nikki showed the class the Melted Crayon Art Activity. She said you would take a piece of waxed paper fold it in half and then shave some crayons(blue, green, red, orange, yellow, purple) and the put that onto the wax paper and fold it. The you would tak a iron and you would go over the wax paper with the iron and the crayon would melt to the paper. She showed the class this by using a straightener. Then you could make a picture and put a pre-cut boarder around it to make it look pretty:).

Out of all the activities I thought the sugar cube sculptures weere the coolest. At this activity the sugar cubes were coloured differnt colours( blue, red, green, yellow) and they could make whatever sculpture they wanted. Kelly made the letter K out of sugar cubes.

My friends were very funny during this workshop because they kept calling me Miss Katie and when I went to look at what they were making at the sugar cube activity Laura told me that Cassie ate a sugar cube. :)
This workshop project was a lot of work! I am glad it is over now :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie,
    You have a blog with our art workshop on it ahhh!!:) I loved the Pinneaple man hes the best ...keep posting more I love to see what happening in your life lol

    Nikki :)
